Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Favorite Totally Rad Yet Totally Unrealistic NYC Apartments for Almost Anyone

Sex and the City

Oh, the classic female NYC apartment fantasy. Carrie Bradshaw's $750 a month rent controlled apartment was the backdrop for contemplative moments and numerous male overnight guests. Of course, who can forget her lavish bathroom with not one, but two bathroom doors? You know, just in case she sees an intruder in the mirror, she's "vroom!"out the other door!

The Mindy Project

This OBGYN's apartment is what IKEA leads us to believe ours will look like if we buy that brightly colored couch and matching coffee table. Ultimately, in our swedish meatball driven reality, it turns out looking more like a college student in transition rather than city woman chic. Regardless, I will accept a sleepover invite from Dr. Lahiri any day.

27 Dresses

Katherine Heigl regularly lives in fashionably cozy abodes on the big screen but while working the wedding circuit, her living quarters were exceptionally swoon worthy. I mean, a window seat? Really?

Friends with Benefits

I literally don't even know where to start. If it isn't enough to be best friends and loooove-uuuuh's with Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis' character also gets to live in the shabby chicest place I've ever seen. Her home is a decorative journal full of eccentric keepsakes I'm sure she's collected while traveling the world.

How I Met Your Mother

I don't think I'm the only one who wasn't upset to hear that Rachel Bilson's character, Cindy was not the mystery mother. Although, after her short appearance on the show, I did miss seeing this idyllic twenty something's apartment. So many colors and patterns yet, it works!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Do what feels right, right now.

So often, we create this idea in our minds of where we want to end up. With that image, we often neglect to acknowledge how where we're at now, may be exactly the right place for us in order to get to that desired destination.

Last year, I was dead set on packing up and moving to New York City.

I had never anticipated ending up with a Florida address. Yet, I accepted a temporary gig with a certain major shopping destination and didn't hesitate.

I kept saying, "it feels right, for right now."

I stayed in that temporary position for three months and just as I began to itch for something more challenging, an internal position opened. Attracted to this new strategic role, I interviewed and was officially offered a permanent position.

Today was my first day in this new role. It felt fresh, exciting, and so fitting right now.

What if we managed to focus less on the outcome of situations and instead more on being in a place that feels right for right now?

Maybe then we wouldn't worry and try to plan so much about what will come next. Instead, we'll just be in the right place and mindset to receive it as it unfolds with us.